On this page we provide up-to-date information about the HTTP/2 and Server Push Adoption. Please note that we cannot guarantee completeness or accuracy of the information. Depending on the size of the underlying list, e.g., .com or .net, we provide results on a weekly instead of a daily basis.

Alexa Top 1M List

Majestic 1M List

Cisco Umbrella 1M List

H2-capable IPv4 addresses


  • 2017-10-06: The massive drop in websites using push is due to a SSL Error caused by the domain parker.
  • 2017-06-11: The distinct decrease and increase of push enabled sites is caused by a domain parker (https://www.domainstaff.com/) using push on the default website.






.gov federal domains

  • 2017-09-04: irs.gov is the first HTTP/2 Push capable .gov domain. irs.gov enabled HTTP/2 support on Wed, Aug 30th and started to push 2 stylesheets on Fri, Sep 1st. The site is hosted by Akamai.

.at (incomplete set of 129.6k domains)

.edu (incomplete set of 5215 domains)

.dk (incomplete set of 43k domains)

.no (incomplete set of 30.24k domains)

.nl (incomplete set of 227.3k domains)

.de (incomplete set of 2.3M domains)

.eu (incomplete set of 156.3k domains)